The usual route to Atzilakodasos starts from the location of Hamoprina, about 4.5 km south…
Megalo and Mikro Katofigi Caves
The village Agios Georgios, is located 14 km away from Sitia on the Sitia-Makrigialos-Ierapetra road. Anyone interested in caves should not fail to visit the Micro Katofygi cave (425 m above sea level) north-west of the village on the slopes of the hill of Mandiliou Plai. It was inhabited in ancient times and sherds of the Early Minoan period were found inside, as well as the bones of humans and other mammals.
The cave consists of a small chamber from which a sloping gallery descends some 40 m into the hillside, with many naturally decorative features, and hollows filled with water. Not far away is the Megalo Katofygi cave. It has an opening 3,20 m wide and consists of two chambers, the first of which is 24 m deep and 12 m wide and the second 42 m deep and 11 m wide. The second chamber has four bays in one of which there is a big pool of water. The entire course inside of the cave is almost 100m.
From the book “Sitia”, N.Papadakis, Archaeologist
Megalo Katofygi
It is steep as you do down into the cave for 3,5m. Room A: length 24m, width 12m and height 0,5-4m. Rich decoration with columns of stalagmites, small lakes and a technical wall.
Room B: length 42m, the biggest width is 11m and the height is 2-12m with 4 smaller rooms and a special cave decoration. There is a big water tank inaccessible to a common visitor. The total length of the cave is about 100m.
Mikro Katofygi
It is steep as you go down into the cave for 1,8m.
Room A: length 16m, the biggest width is 8 m, the height is 1-4,5m with lower places.
Room B: length 25 m, the biggest width is 6 m, the height is 2-2,5m.
Room C: A narrow inaccessible room of 20m length after six meters steep walk.
This cave is maybe a part of an underground river and it is connected with ‘’Megalo Katafygi’’ cave. There is a rich decoration of stalactites and stalagmites.
Slippery slopes, rocky levels, dampness 92o, thick darkness and night birds.
Sufficient lighting, long thick and thin rope, special climbing clothing and footwear. For a safe cave exploration, have in mind to prefer visiting the caves in groups of experiences and exercised persons in climbing inaccessible areas.
Additional Info
Location: 25km from Sitia
Access: By path – 3km – 40min walk
Facilities: Not organized
Αltitude: 430 – 450m
Agios Georgios – Katofigi Cave
The point that you are to start trekking to the Katofigi cave, is about 200 m after the crossroads of…